Thursday, August 04, 2005

The cats, they jump.

Yeah. Cats. Jumping.

Bellying up to the internet

I was cruising around on some of my favorite blogs, and I found the link to on Maggie Mason's Mighty Goods shopping blog. She made reference to a super-charming "I (Heart) D3str0y" t-shirt that I had to admit was super-charming. Anyway, this t-shirt came from Threadless, so I went and started looking around.

And these shirts are cool, people. They're cool AND clever. In fact, I think they're a little too cool for me, but there are at least a few of them I could see folded up in my drawer. And I've pegged a few of them as Christmas gifts for people, so yay Threadless!

You must check them out. The site is nicely done, the t-shirts are awesome, and it's a way-cool mini-community of graphic artists and weirdos and normal people like me who think they're normal, but are probably really kind of weirdos.

My new knitting project

I've decided to knit an afghan. No, not a hound (especially a recently cloned one). No, not a resident of a currently U.S.-occupied country in the Middle East. A blanket. Still a "flat" project, so I haven't yet graduated beyond the two dimensional knitting, but it's at least a BIG flat project! I'm using the light green Sensations Angel Hair yarn from JoAnn's. It's a blend, 22% wool, 50% acrylic and 28% nylon, so it's machine washable but not altogether synthetic-feeling. For the pattern, I'm using a chevron and feather pattern that will give the afghan some visual interest and openness, but not get lost in the fuzziness of the Angel Hair yarn. I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Hopefully I'll have it finished by sometime this fall so I can enjoy it during my next Wisconsin winter.